click on a link

美 [klɪk ɑːn ə lɪŋk]英 [klɪk ɒn ə lɪŋk]
  • 点击链接
click on a linkclick on a link
  1. Just click on a link to add something new to the page .


  2. Click on a link below for more information on a specific error or warning .


  3. And your test can click on a link with particular text that appears after other text .


  4. Click on a link from the number of outliers column to see the detailed records .


  5. If you click on a link in the left portlet , the right portlet will change and display the selected content .


  6. Since phones obviously can 't be used to " click on a link ," application interactions are almost all handled by voice .


  7. They want you to click on a link in the message to go to their Website where they can collect information from you .


  8. For example , if they click on a link in ane-mail about one of your new products , you might send them a product information sheet next .


  9. The bogus email directs the recipient to click on a link to retrieve an electronic Valentine 's Day card .


  10. You click on a link and wait and wait , and then wait some more , for the content to trickle in .


  11. When you click on a link you go to a pointer , which refers to a synset , rather than a word .


  12. The goal of phishing messages is to get the user to click on a link and often times that link can come from someone you know or trust .


  13. Usually when you click on a link in a Web page , that instruction goes back to the host computer , which in turn refreshes the whole page .


  14. Flaws in Apple 's iOS operating system have been discovered that made it possible to install spyware on a target 's device merely by getting them to click on a link .


  15. Java Web Start , on the other hand , can launch a Java application from a single click on a link within a Web page or from a single click from the Java Application Manager .


  16. All that would be necessary is for hackers to dupe users into visiting a malicious Web site or persuading them to click on a link in ane-mail or text message .


  17. They 've been around for years and we 've all received a version.Fraudsters send you a message and attempt to make you click on a link to a fake site or open some malware that infects your machine .


  18. In a JSF application , if you submit a form or click on a link ( both of which must be represented by JSF components ), the JSF implementation creates a form event or a command event , respectively .


  19. COM , she can click on a link that brings up a four-page job competition report , complete with bar and pie charts showing candidates ' years of experience , recent salaries , and a list of the top companies where they have worked .


  20. Click on a product link and they own you .


  21. If you click on a folder link , the folder will open in the finder .


  22. When users click on a news link and it 's slow to respond , they will exit and go elsewhere .


  23. Instead , focus on showing a few important features and making them accessible through a single click on a simple link or button .


  24. If you click on a chat link , a web page showing you the full text of the chat opens .


  25. Access pages and portlets & If you click on a portlet link , you view the page containing that portlet .


  26. Every time you type a query , click on a search-generated link , or create a link on the web , you are training the Google AI .


  27. Many users will blindly click on a hypertext link to a URI , under the presumption that it won 't hurt to display it .


  28. Search Engine traffic represents visitors who click on a search results link in Google , Yahoo , or any other search engine .


  29. Come to think of it , wouldn 't it be nicer to be able to select an Employee in the DataGrid and click on a Button or Link to go to a detail page where you can edit all fields ?
